Top 20 National Authors of the Year

To God Be The Glory.
I’m so honored. Top 20 National Authors of the Year. Grateful 🙌🏽🙌🏽
Thank you so much Dr. @drkishmageorge and @k.i.s.h_magazine . Congratulations everyone.
Posted @withregram • @k.i.s.h_magazine 🚨🚨K.I.S.H. Magazine is Supremely Honored and Excited to ANNOUNCE to Our Audience TOP 20 National Authors of the Year!!!!! We honor you TODAY! Thank you for EMPOWERING so readers AROUND the world!!!!📚🌎🎉
Prophetess Nicole Bryant, Angelavette Williams-Hawkins, Pastor LaDonna Marie, Pastor Rodney Davis, Eliyahu Shmuel Ben Yah, Prophetess Rhasheeda Hague
#topnationalauthorsofyear #kishmagazine #magazine #congratulations #featurespotlight #kishmagazine #dreamersanddoers #authorlife #globlalinfluencers #moversandshakers #powerfulbooks #powerfulbookthatcanchangeyourlife @nicolenhw @juliand.jones @iamladonnamarie_ @pastorrldavis @navi_of_yahweh
