The Beauty in being Original
We were all born with a certain gift, that God gave just to You! Sometimes it takes a little longer to learn exactly what that is, sometimes we know right off.
I have found that once you think about something that you love to do whether or not you are paid to do it, is it. (Haha) The total purpose for this today is to understand the Beauty in being original. When you learn that No one can be you, you were fearfully and wonderfully made, that God knew exactly what he was doing when he created you. Once we understand that, you can flow in our gifting and not let things bring you down.
As long as you stay true, to what God says you will be OK. What I am learning is that you have to believe just as much as God does in you. So no more looking to the left or the right, just do it (like Nike says). Be Confident in who you are!! If you need to add positive affirmations into to your life then do it. Start to stand in the mirror and say I AM …… Beautiful, Bold, Talented, and Child of God. Let the list go on. You are worthy… ~LaDonna Marie